Did you know 3r


Do you know the 3Rs? 

The 3Rs of 4Life Transfer Factor are: 

recognize, respond to, and remember. 

This advanced immune system support ingredient helps your body recognize and respond to challenges while also helping your immune system remember those threats in the future. 

Give 4Life Transfer Factor a try and see the difference for yourself!

Tahukah anda apa itu 3R? 

3R 4Life Transfer Factor adalah 

mengenali (recognize), bertindak balas (respond) dan mengingati (remember). 

Ramuan sokongan sistem imun unggul ini membantu badan anda mengenali dan bertindak balas terhadap ancaman serta membantu sistem imun anda mengingati ancaman tersebut pada masa hadapan.

Cubalah 4Life Transfer Factor dan nikmati tahap kesihatan yang lebih baik!
